It seems very sad at the moment looking down the main street of Waipawa and seeing that our main street upgrade is not complete.
‘Not complete ?’ you ask…… Well no.
There is something very major wrong with it.
Well… maybe not wrong (as the street does look 100% better than it ever used to)… but missing.
Our big yellow duck “”Pawa”” is no longer there.
She has been taken down and hidden away -all in the name of fixing up our main street.
‘Do we need it?’ some people will ask.
‘”It’s ugly……!” “It’s gorgeous!” “It’s cute!” “It’s a laughing-stock!” “It’s uniquely different!””
You decide……
Other towns have icons and they are very proud of them.
I mean, Paeroa has its bottle of L&P, Ohakune its carrot…
Not everyone loved them when they were put up (and they might not still now), but they have become part of their town’s identity, just as ‘’Pawa the duck’ has become ours.
I know perhaps I am a bit biased when it comes to “Pawa the duck” as I was the one asked to make it.
I don’t think its time to “”Do away”” with the duck and become a “”nothing”” town.
I think she should stay!
To help you decide what should happen about our duck I have put together an archive of Pawa’s history.
There are some neat little stories in there so have a read… enjoy… and most importantly have a laugh…
Jan Gosling
(Maker of the duck, and known duck supporter)