Letters to the Editor
Waipawa duck
I FELT disappointed when I heard Radio Pacific voted Wai and Pawa the worst eye sores in NZ.
I think they look absolutely fantastic when I look at them. It would be boring without the ducks. I like to sit on the one behind the library. The yellow is eye catching.
One of our famous artists is Jan Gosling who made them.
The ducks are fantastic!
Crystal Huxford
Argyll East school
IN RESPONSE to your article on October 14, we must say that we are deeply offended.
The duck isnít any old duck. It represents Waipawa and it is our symbol.
We are indeed upset at how people like to put others down.
We support and thank Jan Gosling for her time and effort in making the duck.
Obviously her time and effort just wasnít good enough for Radio Pacific.
We hope that people will think twice about what they say. You never know who you are going to offend.
Puti, Madeline and Holly
Argyll East School
WE FEEL very disappointed about Radio Pacificís reaction to the Waipawa ducks.
They are like an icon of Waipawa.
Radio Pacific have insulted some awesome ducks.
A lot of children at our school think the ducks are a fantastic icon.
Ashley and Tyler
Argyll East School